Building & Development


What is the Difference Between a Development Permit & Building Permit 

Development permits relate to community planning; specifically, what can and cannot be done on or to a property. Regulations for development are found in our Zoning Bylaw (ZB) and Official Community Plan Bylaw (OCP). The ZB and OCP and are regulated by The Planning and Development Act, 2007.

The office is available to assist in interpretation and explanation of the zoning bylaw and provide information regarding the forms and processes required so that you have a good understanding of what options are available to you.  Without a permit applied for and all information provided, it can not be stated absolutely that you could do what you have in mind.  The development permit application process is in place for this purpose.



Building Permits relate to the construction of structures and the regulations are found in our Building Bylaw. The Building Bylaw is regulated by The Construction Codes Act (CCA), including The National Building Code.

Development Permits

Development PermitsDevelopment in the Town of Regina Beach requires a development permit except as listed in the Zoning Bylaw 

Definition of Development:  The carrying out of any building, engineering, mining, or operations in, on or over land, or making of any material change in the use or intensity of use of any building, or land, and shall include, but not limited to, excavating, filling, grading or drainage of land.

You must obtain the necessary Development Permits from the Regina Beach Town Office before beginning any type of development or undertaking a new use or change in use.

Once the Development Permit has been issued and other required approvals or permits may be applied for.  Such as: Building Permit, Water Approval, Plumbing Permit, Move Permit, etc. 

Building Permits

DevelopmentOnce a Development Permit is issued, applicants can prepare their building permit submission. Professional Building Inspections Inc. (PBI), have been contracted by the Town of Regina Beach to perform building inspections.

No person shall commence or cause to be commenced the construction, addition, alteration, renovation, repair, relocation, change of occupancy or use, or reconstruction of a building without first obtaining a valid Building Permit from the Town of Regina Beach.

The proposed development must comply with The Constructions Code Act and the National Building Code of Canada.

Applications & Information Guides